Over 30 years working in various worldwide wine regions (Australia, France, South Africa) Alain acquired a solid experience in helping the wine industry mainly in viticulture.
Alain has been involved in many successful actions of knowledge and methods transfer toward the wine industry and training actions for students. Knowledge and methods are from research outcomes mainly linked to the PhD students supervised by him and numerous collaborative R&D projects. He is often invited at professional seminars and/or for consulting. Alain is involved as chief investigator in a collaborative project on research adoption in Australia.
Below you will find some practical information for growers, winemakers, students and wine industry professionals:
Pellegrino A & Deloire A., 2025. Taille tardive de la vigne: quelques conseils appliqués pour sa pratique, Taille tardive de la vigne-AD-AP-Document mis à jour le 16012025.pdf
Deloire A., 2024. Let’s briefly discuss the functioning of grapevines
and berries, as well as their relationship with climate, Professional symposium (Lech, Austria, 10/12/2024), Lech-Austria-PPT-A. Deloire-07122024-DEF.pdf
De la vigne au Chai - IVF - 2024, Azote de la Vigne au Chai-IFV-13122024_actes colloque.pdf
Lespes A. & Deloire A., 2024. A short review about Biochar, Document Biochar-Résumé-AD-AL-28122024-Français et Anglais.pdf
Deloire et al., 2024. Glucides et Azote chez la vigne. Carbone et azote chez la vigne-IFV-AD-AP-MESM-05122024-DEF2.pdf
Deloire et al., 2024. Proposition d’un protocole pour mesurer le chargement en sucres des baies et l'évolution de leur masse fraîche--version française. Protocole de mesure de l'accumulation en sucres-eau des baies de raisin - AD-31082024-version en français_AP.pdf
Deloire et al., 2024. Working document on the berry sugar and water loading method. Berry sugar and water accumulation-protocol-AD et al. - Version du 02042024.pdf
Discussion autour de la physiologie vigne-raisin en intercation avec le climat, 16 Janvier 2023. A. Deloire et A. Pellegrino. Séminaire Côtes de ProvenceProvence - AD-AP-La vigne et l'eau-17012023.pdf
Alain Deloire, Katja Šuklje, Guillaume Antalick, John Blackman, Leigh Schmidtke, 2022. ЗРЕЛОСТЬ ВИНОГРАДА И СТИЛЬ ВИНА: ОДНОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОЗРЕВАНИЕ АРОМАТИЧЕСКИХ ВЕЩЕСТВ ВИН КРАСНЫХ СОРТОВ, RUS. Alain Deloire-Ripening and wine styles of red cultivars-Russia-20062022.pdf
Anne Pellegrino et Alain Deloire, (2021). Exemple de calcul des besoins en eau d’un vignoble et du raisonnement associé : Utilisation de l’évapotranspiration. Calcul de la consommation en eau d'un vignoble-AD-AP-05112021-Version RFO.pdf
Alain Deloire et Anne Pellegrino, (2021). Review of vine water deficit. What levers for the vineyard in the short and medium term? IVES Technical Reviews, https://ives-technicalreviews.eu/article/view/4842
Alain Deloire et Anne Pellegrino, (2021). La Vigne et le Climat : Brève discussion autour du fonctionnement physiologique des cépages (Vitis vinifera L.). Viteff 2021, Epernay. La vigne et le climat-A. Deloire-A. Pellegrino-Vitef 2021-DEF-05102021.pdf
Alain Deloire, Suzy Rogiers, Katja Šuklje, Guillaume Antalick, Zeyu Xiao, Anne Pellegrino, 2021. Grapevine Berry Shrivelling, Water Loss and Cell Death. Increasing challenge for growers in the context of climate change. Grapevine berry shrivelling - PWV.pdf
Deloire et al., 2021. Grapevine berry shrivelling, water loss and cell death: an increasing challenge for growers in the context of climate change, https://ives-technicalreviews.eu/article/view/4615
A. Deloire, A. Pellegrino, S. Rogiers. 2020. A few words on grapevine leaf water potential. https://ives-technicalreviews.eu/article/view/3620
Anne Pellegrino, S. Rogiers, A. Deloire. 2020. Grapevine Latent Bud Dormancy and Shoot Development, https://ives-technicalreviews.eu/article/view/3420
A. Deloire, A. Pellegrino, R. Ristic, 2019. Spacial distribution of Berry fresh mass, seed number and sugar concentration on grapevine cluster of Shiraz. Wine & Viticulture Journal, Autumn 2019, 42-47. Berry spatial distribution-Deloire et al., 2019.pdf
A. Deloire, K. Suklje, G. Antalick, J. Blackman, L. Schmidtke. 2017 . Grapevine berry ripening and wine style: how to manage the harvest date? XXI International Symposium of Viticulture and Enology. China, Ningxia (21 April 2017). NWAFU-China - Ningxia - A Deloire - 21 April 2017.Def2.pdf